Wednesday, October 1, 2008

here's what the on deck line-up's got goin' on: (click the pic for close-up)
(from left to right) 1. chad nichols "calipso" damascus with upside-down clips. 2. sakmar random pattern mokume-gane, upside-down clips. 3. the a.c. metsala "sine wave" pattern...still haven't gotten to it. 4. another a.c. metsala "aztec snow" pair coming up. 5. this is a pair of shaders that jimmy from lucky's is extorting out of me...i NEVER take any direct orders from ANYONE, but i owe him some enormous favors he's cashing in all at once. 6. devin thomas "vines and roses" pair. this is my all-time favorite damascus pattern. 7. that copper pair is still waiting patiently. 8. devin thomas "raindrop" pattern mokume-gane. kind of an angular j-frame. i'm thinking simple, maybe beveled, then a bit of small scale meched out junk in a couple areas. 9. the meteorite pair is still waiting for love also.

make sure to compare last post's "on deck" pic with the finished machines beneath.

getting closer! you'll know when...i'll be posting a pair on ebay, as well as an announcement here.

stainless "scrambled eggs" damascus by chad nichols.

"iguana" 1095/pure-nickel damascus by chad nichols. this was the super thick stock that let me do the piercing with the spikes. super fun!

sakmar "slow twist" 2 color mokume-gane boltie pair.

chad nichols damascus. etched, polished and blued, with upside down clips.

devin thomas "raindrop" mokume meched the F out.

have a look at the completed listings for lots of pics of the machines that sold this last month.

the restructuring recess for workhorse irons is going GREAT! looks like WHI will be back in business, better, stronger and faster than everyone thought at first. i got the samples back for the new frames this week, and they are going to be AWESOME! i have learned a lot since i did the roundback and the bottle-opener, and these are going to blow them away...not just looks, but geometry and function are hands-down the best i have made to date. keep your eyes open!!!

looks like the show is amazing! if anyone got to go see it, i'd love to hear about it. they have some pics on their myspace page. i didn't see any pics of my stuff, i'd love to know how they hung it. it runs until december, so go check it out!

i wish that i had some news on the iraq project, but i've been way too busy to do any charity work right now, and henry still has not heard anything from the iraqi tattooer. if anything develops, i'll letcha'll know.

haven't had an time to fool around with the new press. when i do, i will be posting about it for sure!

repairs are all long gone, but the new class is starting to trickle in. this lifetime guarantee thing is going to be the end of me!!! hopefully it makes my customers happy.